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Physiology History Instructions For Use
How To Use Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) Beneficial Effects Clinical Conditions For Using Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM)
Peristent Epithelial Defects And Corneal Ulcers Applications Of AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) In Surgical Chemical Burns And Thermal Burns
Limbal Stem Cell Defficiency Pterygium Surgery: Lysis Of Symblepharon Pterygium Surgeries
Ulcers: Inlay Technique Corneal Ulcers / PERFORASTIONS Or Descemetoceles / Plug / Filling Procedure Conjunctival Surface Reconstruction
Corneoscleral Surface Reconstruction Corneal Perforations And Descemetoceles Treatment of sclera melts and perforations
Limitations Packaging Storage


2 principle layers:
AM is composed of 3 layers:


First documented use of fetal membranes Dr Roth 1940 in patients with symblepharon.
1946 : Sorsby and Symons: To treat eyes with chemical burns. (Amnioplastin).
1993 : Batle and Perdotno use as a substitute for repair of conjunctival defects and reconstruction fornices

Instructions For Use

Dry amniotic membrane is packaged in a sterile pouch. Tear the outer pouch and pass the inner pouch into a sterile field. Remove the tissue from the inner pouch using sterile gloves/ forceps. Apply dry amniotic membrane directly to the patient site. If required, the membrane can be hydrated with sterile saline or sterile water. Once the inner pouch is opened, membrane should be preferably used immediately.

How To Use Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM)
AM(Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) is cut into corresponding size and shape slightly larger than the size of the defect and placed on the defect with the basement side facing up. It is usually sutured on to the cornea. The stitching becomes easy if the membrane stitched in its dry form and then wetted. Now a days the membrane can be glued to the site with fibrin glue and there is no need of stitches, and post operative irritation, watering, pain and the surgery time is much reduced.

Beneficial Effects

The basement membrane of the AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) and conjunctiva are very similar. This promotes epithelial cell differentiation, facilatates adhesion of basal epithelial cells and promote epithelial cell differentiation.
AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) also offers mechanical support and promotes epithelial healing as it gets hydrated by tears and provides hydration to the regenerating epithelium

Physiology History Instructions For Use
How To Use Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) Beneficial Effects Clinical Conditions For Using Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM)
Peristent Epithelial Defects And Corneal Ulcers Applications Of AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) In Surgical Chemical Burns And Thermal Burns
Limbal Stem Cell Defficiency Pterygium Surgery: Lysis Of Symblepharon Pterygium Surgeries
Ulcers: Inlay Technique Corneal Ulcers / PERFORASTIONS Or Descemetoceles / Plug / Filling Procedure Conjunctival Surface Reconstruction
Corneoscleral Surface Reconstruction Corneal Perforations And Descemetoceles Treatment of sclera melts and perforations
Limitations Packaging Storage