Home » Our Products » Corneoscleral Surface Reconstruction

Physiology History Instructions For Use
How To Use Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) Beneficial Effects Clinical Conditions For Using Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM)
Peristent Epithelial Defects And Corneal Ulcers Applications Of AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) In Surgical Chemical Burns And Thermal Burns
Limbal Stem Cell Defficiency Pterygium Surgery: Lysis Of Symblepharon Pterygium Surgeries
Ulcers: Inlay Technique Corneal Ulcers / PERFORASTIONS Or Descemetoceles / Plug / Filling Procedure Conjunctival Surface Reconstruction
Corneoscleral Surface Reconstruction Corneal Perforations And Descemetoceles Treatment of sclera melts and perforations
Limitations Packaging Storage


Peristent epithelial defects and corneal ulcers induced by: Chemical injuries, neurotrophic keratopathies, chronic inflammation, partial or total LSCD., non healing ulcers by bactraila or viral infection. Conventional approach: elimination of epithelial toxic medications, punctal occlusion, bandage contact lens placement, tarsorraphy. AMT is successful as compared to conservative therapy. Used as single layer of multiple layered approach.

Proteolytic enzymes due to destructive after effects of ulcers is mediated by release of proteolytic enzymes, which are released by microorganisms, neutrophils or stromal keratocytes. (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) has an inhibitory effect on these enzymes. AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) provides healthy basement membrane and stroma, thereby providing rapid epithelization and overall reduction of inflammation. Can be applied as single or layered fashion.


Causes are Chronic inflammation or infection. Standard therapies include tissue adhesives, lamellar keratoplasty, bandage contact lens or conjunctival flaps. These approaches do not address the inflammatory state. Multilayer approach of AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) administration adopted. Supplies collagen, anti fibrotic and anti inflammatory halts progressive tissue destruction, and promotes wound healing and increasing the success rate of PK or LK.


Multilayer approach to treat sclera ulcerations and micropcrforations. For larger sclera defects AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) can be combined with scleralpatch grafts.AM is placed over the sclera graft patch grafts, basement side up and is sutured to the underlying sclerral and surrounding conjunctival. Rapid epithilization and reduction of inflammation at the site of ulceration.


Without use of adult stem cells. Limiting role in treating. AMT (Amniotic Membrane Therapy) cannot be used to treat disorders with associated total loss of limbal or conjunctival epithial stem cells. Limbal stem cells are then required. Limitations in treating eyes with severe exposure, aqueous tear deficiency and stromal ischemia. Such conditions are addressed prior to the application of AMT(Amniotic Membrane Therapy). In such patients surgical options like PK and LK may work in synergy with AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM)


Dry amniotic membrane is double-packed in the sealed pouch and terminally sterilized after packing. The membrane AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) must not be used if the pouch or packing container is damaged or not intact. Membrane AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) must not be used if expiration date has passed.


Dry amniotic membrane (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) should be stored at ambient room temperature. No refrigeration or freezing is required.

Physiology History Instructions For Use
How To Use Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) Beneficial Effects Clinical Conditions For Using Am (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM)
Peristent Epithelial Defects And Corneal Ulcers Applications Of AM (Amnio Cornea-GraftTM) In Surgical Chemical Burns And Thermal Burns
Limbal Stem Cell Defficiency Pterygium Surgery: Lysis Of Symblepharon Pterygium Surgeries
Ulcers: Inlay Technique Corneal Ulcers / PERFORASTIONS Or Descemetoceles / Plug / Filling Procedure Conjunctival Surface Reconstruction
Corneoscleral Surface Reconstruction Corneal Perforations And Descemetoceles Treatment of sclera melts and perforations
Limitations Packaging Storage